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iPages for Web Designers

iPages allows web designers to build affordable, feature-rich websites

Designers benefit from iPages features logo

iPages partners with web designers to support clients online. All websites built on iPages are fully hosted, have state of the art security and come with free customer service. Our easy to use backend, integrated features and highly customisable platform decreases development costs letting designers offer exquisite, affordable websites.

Why do designers choose iPages?

1. You can build websites with astonishing features at a fraction of the usual development costs

Whether this be creating customised products or displaying an extended online directory, iPages’ integrated feature set allows you to serve clients whose needs cannot be met with other platforms.

illustration of a designer working with iPages ecommerce platform

2. You can rest assured your clients will be supported

As a hosted solution, your client’s website will be secure and supported. The UK based iPages support team are at the end of the phone, should your clients have any technical issues.